Other Treatments

Other treatments

Here we tell you information about Other Treatments for innovative rejuvenation without surgery…

More and more therapies are emerging in medicine and facial cosmetic surgery. Dr. Villamarín continuously interacts with colleagues from around the world both in person and virtually, he is updated with the most advanced procedures, reviews the results and safety of each one of them, and is permanently updated to find solutions to rejuvenation problems. facial.

Only when a procedure or technology has proven to be safe and effective, is it presented either as a complement to other procedures or as a therapeutic leader, and passes the Safe Surgery & procedures protocol designed by Dr. Villamarín and those required by the national and international authorities, then Dr. Villamarín incorporates it into his daily solutions, technologies or techniques. This incorporation decision is fully scientific, professional, and independent of any industry compensation and is a continuously monitored and reviewed decision.


Pacientes que viajan

Disfrute de una experiencia de conserjería para visitar nuestros Centros. Estamos dispuestos a hacer que el proceso sea suave y libre de estrés para todos nuestros pacientes nacionales e internacionales, que viven lejos de nuestros Centros, brindando así asistencia con el alojamiento, el transporte, la recuperación e incluso organizamos visitas turísticas y más.

Blefaroplastia lifting facial y lipofilling | Dr Villamarín. El Dr. Villamarín es el mejor cirujano oculoplástico de blefaroplastia y rejuvenecimiento facial en Madrid y Valencia. Resultado natural. Mejor precio.

Travelling patients

Enjoy a concierge experience to visit our Centers. We are willing to make the process smooth and stress free for all our national and international patients, who live far from our Centers, thus providing assistance with accommodation, transportation, recovery and even organizing sightseeing tours and more.

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