The consultation with Dr. Villamarín

Here we tell you what to expect and the dynamics and recommendations about the consultation you are going to have with Dr. Villamarín and his team.

It is assumed that you have already reviewed information from several surgeons, compared and informed yourself, performed the appropriate search and for these and other reasons, you finally decide to contact us by phone or through our contact form on one of our web pages. You will receive a call for an initial telephone interview with our coordinator or nurse, an expert in helping and guiding you. At the end, you will be offered a date and instructions for the initial consultation with Dr. Villamarín, either in person or online (your choice). For online videoconference with Dr. Villamarin, our team will guide you for the next steps in order to get a smooth online videoconference.

Here we will discuss the in-person consultation with Dr. Villamarín:

First of all, despite the fact that his native language is Spanish, Dr. José Villamarín is fluent in English, so he speaks and writes excellent English.

It may be helpful to have someone accompany you to his appointment; the opinions of a trusted friend or family member can be valuable. The person who accompanies you should be the person who will take care of you during the recovery period.

When you arrive at the doctor’s office, you will usually be greeted by a receptionist and asked to fill out information about yourself as a new patient, detailing your specifics and health history. When completing this form, please be completely honest and thorough, as the information you provide helps prevent complications during your care. When asked about medications, be sure to include any vitamins or herbal remedies, as they can affect blood pressure and clotting ability.

Being honest about your tobacco and alcohol use is also very important, as this can have a profound impact on your recovery period and incision healing. Certain procedures may not be able to be performed if you are not willing to quit smoking for a certain period of time before and after the operation. The use of the hyperbaric chamber could be necessary in some selected cases, particularly ex-smokers and patients with circulatory problems.

On the other hand, the patient will sign an informed consent for the initial taking of photographs.

Initially, you may meet with a nurse or other patient coordinator. This staff member is familiar with the surgeon’s cosmetic style and can usually competently assess a patient and answer many questions. This staff member can also become your doctor liaison when the doctor is not immediately available. You will get to know the nurse or patient coordinator quite well during the course of your surgery and recovery period.

Then you will meet Dr. Villamarín. The duration of the initial consultation can be as brief as 30 minutes or more than an hour, depending on the complexity of the issues involved. Dr. Villamarín will introduce himself and offer some introductory comments. He will review the previously collected information and clarify some points or expand on others. He will speak honestly and in depth about your concerns and the reasons for your presence at the Center. He will be interested in your concerns, priorities and motivations to perform the surgery, as well as your fears.

Then he will do the pertinent physical examinations. He will take initial photos to include in the treatment plan. Then, Dr. Villamarín will show the treatment plan and the options, sometimes complementing the explanations with demonstrative but not explicit photos and graphics. He will also offer you reasonable expectations about the outcome and therefore what is possible and what is not.

Finally, Dr. Villamarín will recommend various preventive measures to delay aging within the treatment plan. This includes blocking the effects of the sun, quitting tobacco and other harmful agents or environments. This is the opportunity not only to improve your appearance through surgery but also to improve your health by quitting smoking and improving your diet and exercise habits. In the end, you will not only change the image of yourself looking better, but also feeling better and living longer.

During this initial consultation, Dr. Villamarín and his team will discuss various factors related to the surgery, including the procedure, preparation and recovery period, as well as the location (minor procedures in ambulatory surgery centers, major procedures in Hospital operating rooms) and material and human resources involved, anesthesia and cost. Each of these factors will be discussed in depth. A clear understanding of these factors will help you make a more informed decision.

You can then think about the decision and if you decide to go ahead, the fees will be explained to you and you will sign various informed consents, including one stating that you understand the benefits, risks, alternatives, aesthetic indication and nature of the procedures.

A personalized schedule will be created according to your needs for the preoperative period, the day of surgery or procedures, and the postoperative period. You will be provided with documents with exhaustive information about the perioperative period, provided by Dr. Villamarín’s team. In addition, you can get additional information in the resources of our websites.

We hope that the journey that begins with Dr. Villamarín and his team comes to good end. We, like you, will always do our best to make it happen.


Pacientes que viajan

Disfrute de una experiencia de conserjería para visitar nuestros Centros. Estamos dispuestos a hacer que el proceso sea suave y libre de estrés para todos nuestros pacientes nacionales e internacionales, que viven lejos de nuestros Centros, brindando así asistencia con el alojamiento, el transporte, la recuperación e incluso organizamos visitas turísticas y más.

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Travelling patients

Enjoy a concierge experience to visit our Centers. We are willing to make the process smooth and stress free for all our national and international patients, who live far from our Centers, thus providing assistance with accommodation, transportation, recovery and even organizing sightseeing tours and more.

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