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Pinch blepharoplasty or miniblepharoplasty, the number 1 solution for mild cases.

By Dr. Villamarín


Learn more about this minimally invasive or preservation procedure.


What is blepharoplasty?

Blepharoplasty is a surgical procedure that is performed to improve the appearance of both the upper and lower eyelids, and many techniques have been designed to rejuvenate the eyelids depending on the degree of deterioration or aging of each patient.

And what is Pinch blepharoplasty or miniblepharoplasty?

Pinch blepharoplasty or mini blepharoplasty, also known as “pinch” blepharoplasty, is a mini variant of the blepharoplasty procedure.

This technique focuses on correcting excess skin on both the upper and lower eyelids.

Unlike traditional blepharoplasty, which involves removing skin and fat, the mini or pinch technique uses a more conservative and minimally invasive procedure.

Who is a good candidate?

A good candidate is any young person, between the 30s and 40s, with slight changes due to age and that includes somewhat distended skin in the form of folds, both on the upper and lower eyelids.

The patient should be in good general health, free of major skin conditions, free of significant bags, scallops, dark circles or dry eyes, and have realistic expectations.

The patient must be evaluated by Dr. Villamarín to know the options, benefits and risks of the procedure.

What anesthesia do we use?

Local anesthesia in an outpatient setting or without admission. The procedure usually takes 1 hour.

How is the surgical technique?

During the procedure, a small oriented and millimetrically designed incision is made in the skin of the upper and/or lower eyelashes. The incision is deliberately placed to avoid the visibility of scars.blepharoplasty Blefaroplastia lifting facial y lipofilling | Dr Villamarín. El Dr. Villamarín es el mejor cirujano oculoplástico de blefaroplastia y rejuvenecimiento facial en Madrid y Valencia. Resultado natural. Mejor precio.a

The area is dissected to release the excess skin in an adequate volume, to avoid delayed traction and dryness and to achieve a natural result.

The goal is to rejuvenate the appearance of the eyelids without more extensive surgery. It is what Dr. Villamarín considers as preservation surgery and under safe protocols.

Dr. Villamarín closes with special and buried or invisible sutures.

How is the recovery?

Being minimally invasive, the patient can go home the same day, and postoperative recovery is faster compared to traditional blepharoplasty. Usually, sick leave from work and physical exercise is required for about 3-4 days.

In addition, in rare cases complications are observed, usually easy to solve due to the minimal invasiveness of the technique, as long as it is performed by an expert surgeon, such as Dr. Villamarín.


Pinch blepharoplasty, known as miniblepharoplasty, or baby bleph, is a quick, simple, minimally invasive procedure that, under local anesthesia and in one hour, can remove mild cases of excess skin or folds on the upper and lower eyelids. lower.

If you want more information, do not hesitate to contact Dr. José Villamarín requesting an appointment in person or through his online consultation. Thanks.

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